Yonhoo Group is pleased to announce the opening of a new store in Portugal. Precisely at Av. Nações Unidas 83, 2135-196 Samora Correia. A little over 45 minutes by car from the capital, Lisbon. In front of this store will be Jiajin Lin as president and Denis Lin as manager. The scheduled opening date will be on Monday, October 3rd, 2022. On this day, the Yonhoo Group will offer gifts and offers to customers from Portugal who come. Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity and come visit us!

With this store, Yonhoo Group already has 8 stores spread across Europe. 5 of them in Spain where its headquarters are located and 3 in other European countries such as Italy, Poland and now Portugal. Yonhoo Group intends to continue growing and expanding both in Europe and internationally.


Mapa tiendas Yonhoo

At Yonhoo Group we are experts in everything related to commercial equipment (commercial shelves, hooks, mannequins, hangers, displays, bags, baskets and supermarket carts…), machinery for the hotel industry (slicers, industrial fryers, tables and cabinets refrigerators, chest freezers, display cabinets…), small household appliances (portable kitchens, electric rice cookers, steam irons…), air conditioning (split equipment, portable equipment, ducts, cassettes, heaters, radiators…) and safety equipment. More than 15 years of experience and success support us. We provide any type of material aimed at the full development of your commercial activity.

If you need more information about our new Yonhoo Portugal store, you can write to the email address portugal@yonhoo.com or call us at 263 654 055 – 927 769 292. Thank you very much for trusting Yonhoo Group and remember that everything you need for your business we have it!